Houston-based firm ranked in insurance and admiralty & maritime law
HOUSTON – Schouest, Bamdas, Soshea & BenMaier PLLC or SBSB Eastham has again been ranked among the leading law firms for admiralty & maritime law, earning a place on the prestigious Best Law Firms list compiled annually by U.S. News & World Report and The Best Lawyers in America. The firm’s selection to the 2022 guide marks the seventh consecutive year SBSB Eastham has been listed.
The firm earned a top ranking nationally for its admiralty & maritime work, while its Houston, Chicago and New Orleans locations all were among the top-rated law firms in their metro areas for that practice area. In addition, the Houston office achieved honors for its insurance law as well.
“We have an outstanding record of success, but it is incredibly humbling and rewarding when clients and those outside the firm recognize the quality of our work,” said firm founder and managing partner John L. Schouest.
Selection to the Best Law Firms list is based on a rigorous process that includes client and lawyer evaluations, as well as reviews from other attorneys in the same practice areas. Firms must also have at least one lawyer who has been recognized previously by Best Lawyers. Both qualitative and quantitative data are then combined into an overall “Best Law Firms” score.
In August, five SBSB Eastham partners won repeat appearances in Best Lawyers annual guide. Mr. Schouest and Limor Ben-Maier and Kelly Haas in Houston and Richard Cozad in New Orleans were all recognized for their work in admiralty & maritime law while Candace Ourso in Houston was honored for insurance law.
Schouest, Bamdas, Soshea & BenMaier PLLC or SBSB Eastham is a group of experienced attorneys who have come together to form a law firm focused on client needs. The firm’s goal is to be the go-to resource at every stage of the legal process, bringing deeper experience, deeper commitment, and deeper insights to help solve the most complex issues. In consultation or in the courtroom, the firm will aggressively pursue a client’s best interests. SBSB Eastham attorneys are just great people who also happen to be great lawyers. For more information about the firm and its team of attorneys, visit www.sbsb-eastham.com.