The Workers’ Compensation Institute (WCI) Annual Conference will be held in Orlando, Florida on December 12-15. This year, three SBSB Eastham attorneys will be there to speak on a variety of topics.
Tuesday, Dec. 14, 1:00-4:00pm & Wednesday, Dec. 15, 8:30-12:00pm: SBSB Eastham name partner and program organizer, Robert Bamdas will be moderating the breakout on the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Act, Jones Act, and Defense Base Act. Panels will focus on jurisdictional considerations in these areas, foreign national claims, and the latest case law.
Tuesday, Dec. 14, 1:00-2:00pm: SBSB Eastham name partner Limor Ben-Maier will be speaking as part of “Updates From The OWCP And OALJ Including The New OWCS And EFS Systems.” This session will address the usage of OWCS and EFS and what stakeholders can do to make the programs even better. Additionally, trends and updates from each office will also be explored.
Wednesday, Dec. 15, 10:50-12:00pm: Partner Lane Lowrey will participate in a case law update regarding important decisions involving the borrowed servant doctrine, diligent job searches, jurisdiction, maximum medical improvement, modification, situs, status, and more that have been issued over the past year by federal courts and the Benefits Review Board.
You can learn more about the conference, speakers, and panels by visiting